Christmas in the City Village Murphy’s Irish Pub Lit House

Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House
Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House
Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House
Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House
Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House
Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House

Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House
Christmas In The City-a collection from -with all the hustle and bustle, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Everyone, not just the Irish, are welcome at Murphy’s for a cup of good cheerHand-crafted and hand-painted porcelain lit building. Includes light cord and bulb. Intricately hand painted Meticuously hand crafted Special holidays from since 1976.
Christmas in the City Village Murphy's Irish Pub Lit House